Auction price range is only 20% above below to today’s closing price. Irrespective of tommorow’s closing price…
Can you tell what hapoend to ur case? At what price you got short delivered and what price it got settled and quantity?
Nobody will sell in auction if tomorrow also upper circuit.
Someone has to sell to the exchange in auction. The exchange then buys on your behalf. They always sell at a price higher than trading price because no point of selling otherwise.
So if tomorrow also upper circuit then no one will sell in auction most probably. Depends on luck.
And yes the 2.23L + charges is max loss in your case as long as no UC tomorrow.
My god, You have shorted a stock which is trading above 15 years range, and also trading at all time high??
Old jungle saying – Never short a stock without holding an equivalent number of shares in your account.
This is precisely why SEBI has introduced physical delivery.
You’re taking a 15 year timeframe for intraday shorting
Being seller side on the stocks derivatives is double edged sword. Wether it’s buying put or shorting the stock… You carry inormous risk as a seller. I learned that earlier . I will always double check before I place a selling view on any stock ( especially out of nifty 50)
Whats going? Whats the current situation?
As of now 2.2 lak blocked, need to wait till monday to know at what price it got settled…RCF is down 6.5% today, lets see what unfolds…Anyways I already lost hopes to get that 2.2 lak back…this is a lesson…it takes so much time to make it back…
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All the best.
Even if it is down it uses the higher price FYI
Same thing happen with me in case of fact i sold 650 shares 995 it hittted uppper circuit @1090 on thurday and friday it got closed at 1140 at what price it will settle
ur case is also worse…if exchange didnt procured shares in auction, close out for you would be 1140+20% *650
When i will know at what price it is settle .
@Battle i can see 8.5 lacs blocked does it means that exchanged not bought shares
No doesn’t mean that, just means that is max loss
Im so happy now, this is rare case…
This morning im able to see full blocked amount back in my account…Someone must have sold shares in auction at lower price than my selling price…Thankyou lord Venkateswara…I kept on praying lord srinivasa for these 4 days .I would never do such stupid things again my sweet hearted god… my Thursday’s profit of 20,000 also got credited…All happies now…
Yes once incident is enough to knock senses into everyone, happened with me too . Seeing that amount blocked you will pray to all gods
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You had a near miss
Also a lotttt of good karma