Anantha Padmanabha Vrata is observed on the 14th day of the Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of moon) in Bhadrapad month. Anantha Padmanabha Vrata 2023 date is September 28. It is widely believed that Bhagavan Vishnu appeared in the form of Anantha Padmanabha (the Ananta Sayana form of Bhagavan Vishnu or reclining on Ananta) on this day.
A fast from sunrise to sunset is observed on the day by Vishnu devotees and it is known as Anantha Padmanabha Vrata. The importance of the Vratam was narrated by Bhagavan Krishna to Yudhishtira. Bhagavan Krishna advised the eldest of the Pandavas to observe Anantha Padmanabha Vrata for 14 years to get back his lost kingdom.
A unique ritual on the day is the tying of Ananta Dhara, a sacred thread of 14 knots, on the hands by devotees after special pujas and rituals.