In the wake of the death of a 14-year-old schoolgirl in Namakkal district after consumption of shawarma, officials from the Food Safety and Drug Administration Department began inspection of restaurants to check the quality of marinated meat items across Erode district on Tuesday, September 19.
Teams led by food safety officers inspected eateries, hotels, restaurants and fast food shops functioning in Erode Corporation limits and across the district. Officers said they were checking the quality of shawarma, quality of meat and marinated meat, and whether old and cooked food items were stored in refrigerators.
Food Safety Department officials inspect a restaurant to check the quality of marinated meat in Erode on September 19, 2023
| Video Credit:
M. Govarthan
They said inspection will continue across the district and warned action against shops selling stale or rotten meat items to the customers. They said owners and cooks were warned against unhygienic practices and also against serving cooked food that were stored for many days and served to customers.
Complaints regarding quality of food, if any, can be taken up with the District Food Safety Department on the WhatsApp number 9444042322, they added.